Creating building blocks for Hydrogen to take off as its own market

In a rush to replace Europe’s dependence on Russian Oil and Gas, the drive for Hydrogen has never been stronger. This year’s event looks to answer two big questions: can Hydrogen ensure Europe’s energy independence and if it can, how can we grow demand for Hydrogen enabling global scale up? With the price of electrolyzers and renewable energy increasing, now is the time to scale up on Hydrogen volume to lower the costs. Join this year’s Hydrogen Market’s Europe Conference to find out how we can get there.

S&P Global Commodity Insights are delighted to announce our Hydrogen Markets Europe Conference, 2022, as part of the global move to launch a Hydrogen economy. This event is part of a global series organized by S&P Global Commodity Insights with parallel events in the US and Asia and attendees will include hydrogen producers, midstream natural gas companies, infrastructure investors, developers, electric power companies, regulators, and policy-makers, among many others.

Why attend?

• Understand the Hydrogen story so far in Europe
• Showcasing real-world Hydrogen projects
• Establishing Hydrogen as a globally traded commodity
• Building demand and financing Hydrogen
• Getting Hydrogen to centers of demand
• Connecting Hydrogen and Renewables
• Effective Hydrogen storage and distribution
• Examining the Hydrogen economy in market segments


    Conference Rate: $1,995
    Duration: 2 days

    Who attends?

    • Hydrogen producers
     Midstream natural gas companies
     Infrastructure investors
     Electric power companies
     And more...
    Training course announced:

    Refineries of the Future

    September 19, 2022
    Novotel Amsterdam City, Netherlands

    Gain a fundamental understanding of how the energy transition will impact refining – and the role petrochemicals must play.


Tuesday, 20th September 2022
  • 08.00 AM Networking 
  • 09.00 AM Chair's welcoming remarks
    Alan Hayes, Managing Editor, S&P Global Commodity Insights
Opening keynotes: Hydrogen’s story so far in Europe
  • 09.10 AM Reviewing Hydrogen markets today
    • Hydrogen in 2022: Where have we arrived?
    • Reviewing today’s perceptions and expectations of Hydrogen
    • Comparing today’s price of Hydrogen with natural gas
    Peter Mackey, VP Strategy and Policy Support, Hydrogen Council
  • 9.35 AM Outlook for Hydrogen and key drivers for growth
    • Understanding the role of Hydrogen in energy transition
    • Policies promoting the transition to Green Hydrogen
    • What market segments would have Hydrogen demand in 2030?
    • Where will the Hydrogen hotspots be across the globe?
    • How much Hydrogen will be needed in mobility, heating, steel etc
    Alun Davies, Senior Director, S&P Global Commodity Insights
Establishing Hydrogen as a globally traded commodity
  • 10:00 AM How to make Hydrogen a globally traded commodity
    • Reducing energy insecurity and dependency on fossil fuels
    • What are the challenges for Green H2 to becoming the dominant pathway
    • How will green Hydrogen grow up into a global market
    Steinar Eikaas, Vice President, Low Carbon Solutions, Equinor
  • 10.25 AM Networking and refreshment break
  • 10.55 AM Pricing the value of Hydrogen as a commodity
    • S&P Global Commodity Insights Carbon-neutral price assessment
    • Reflecting the value of the Hydrogen molecule irrespective of its production pathway
    • Accounting for cost of production assessments for various Hydrogen production pathways
    Mario Perez, Global Hydrogen Pricing Manager, S&P Global Commodity Insights
  • 11:20 AM Carbon intensity: Key enabler in the Hydrogen market
    • Measuring carbon intensity of hydrogen
    • Impact of geographical location and technology on carbon intensity
    • Capture the value of low carbon hydrogen vs traditional produced hydrogen
    • How will a globally traded market develop?
    Brian Murphy, Senior Analyst, Hydrogen and Low Carbon Fuels, S&P Global Commodity Insights
Leaders discuss building demand and Financing Hydrogen
  • 11:45 AM Leader’s Panel: Examining EU regulatory initiatives propelling a Hydrogen economy
    • Understanding the current policy support throughout Europe
    • Assess whether EU Hydrogen policy is sufficiently driving growth in Hydrogen
    • What is the policy the market needs to incentivise Hydrogen demand?
    • Updated Hydrogen taxonomy in Europe: Consider the purpose and what it means
    Melanie Bruneau, Partner, K&L Gates
    Andre Pina, Associated Director for H2 Strategy and Origination, EDP Renewables
    Simon Wood,Senior Director Global Hydrogen and Renewable Gases Consulting, S&P Global Commodity Insights
    Panel Moderator: Coralie Laurencin, Senior Director, Gas, Power and Energy Futures, S&P Global Commodity Insights
  • 12:25 PM Networking Lunch
  • 1.35 PM Leader’s Panel Driving worldwide demand for growth of Hydrogen
    • Forecast into the medium-term trends that are shaping the market
    • Understanding the near-term Hydrogen supply and demand scenarios
    • Unravelling Hydrogen supply forecasts – what can we expect?
    Diogo Almeida, Hydrogen Unit, Head of Business Development, Galp
    Maribel Rodriguez, Hydrogen Business Development Senior Manager, Repsol
    Filippo Bartoloni, Head of Project Development of Hydrogen Business Unit, Enel Green Power
    Nuno Lopes Filipe, Business Development Director, Fusion Fuel
    Panel Moderator: James Burgess, Energy Transition Reporter, S&P Global
  • 2:15 PM Leader’s Panel Encouraging a future Hydrogen economy through investment
    • How to make H2 projects economically viable
    • Where is the capital coming from?
    • How can sponsors help the banks provide finance to hydrogen projects?
    Amy Wong, Managing Director, Head EMEA Energy Research, Credit Suisse
    Hyung-Ja de Zeeuw, Senior Energy Transition Specialist Executive Director, Rabobank
    Peter van Ees, Business Development & Coverage Banker - Hydrogen & Energy Transition, Abn Amro
    Karsten Uhd Plauborg, Partner, Co-Head Energy Transition Fund, Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners
    Panel Moderator: Bert van der Toorn, Senior Investment Officer, European Investment Bank
Showcasing real-world Hydrogen projects: Production and development
  • 2:55 PM The future of reactant based green Hydrogen production
    • What is reactant based hydrogen production?
    • How does it work?
    • What are the advantages over traditional methods?
    • Case study of prospective GenHydro customer
    • Who can benefit most from this technology?
    Eric Schraud, CEO and President, GenHydro
  • 3:20 PM Networking and refreshment break
  • 3.50 PM Panel discussion: Scaling up on Green Hydrogen Production
    • Understanding opportunities for developers and utilities when producing Hydrogen
    • Producing cost-effective Hydrogen at a time of high renewable energy prices and expensive electolyzers
    • Timelines and supply chain management: How to fast-track a large-scale project
    • Scaling up volume of Hydrogen to bring down costs: A virtuous cycle between scale and costs
    Pierre-Etienne Franc, Co Founder and President, FiveT Hydrogen, and CEO, Hy24
    Olivier Mussat, Chief Executive Officer, ATOME Energy

    Sebastian Vogel, Head of Hydrogen Strategy, RWE

    Panel moderator: Mario Perez, Global Hydrogen Pricing Manager, S&P Global Commodity Insights
  • 4:30 PM Reviewing Hydrogen production and development in emerging markets
    • Exploring how the Hydrogen markets are developing in Turkey and Azerbaijan
    • What this means for Europe?
    Gulmira Rzayeva, Senior Visiting Research Fellow, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies
  • 4:55 PM End of Day One Closing Remarks
  • 5:00 PM Drinks Reception
Wednesday, 21st September 2022
  • 08:30 AM Networking
  • 09:00 AM Chairman’s welcoming remarks
    Simon Wood, Senior Director Global Hydrogen and Renewable Gases Consulting, S&P Global Commodity Insights
Opening Keynote: Connecting Hydrogen and Renewables
  • 09:10 AM Connecting Hydrogen and renewables
    • Linking renewable and Hydrogen production
    • Sharing of risk between Hydrogen and renewables
    • What does this mean for pricing
    • Understanding the purpose for Green Hydrogen and what this means for costs
    Roland Roesch, Deputy Director Innovation and Technology, IRENA
  • 09:40 AM The potential role of Ammonia in a Hydrogen economy
    • Key issues, advantages, disadvantages of Ammonia as an energy carrier
    • Clean Ammonia market use cases
    • What role will Ammonia play in the transition to a Hydrogen economy?
    Philippe Peccard, VP, Clean Energy, Linde
  • 10:10 AM Recent legislative developments in the EU and the US
    • EU: Amendment 13 on the Proposal for a Directive amending Directive (EU) 2018/2001 (i.e. amendments to RED II)
    • US: Inflation Reduction Act of 2022: Summary of Credits for Renewable Fuels
    Tariq A. Fedda, Partner, K&L Gates
Effective Hydrogen Storage, infrastructure and distribution
  • 10:40 AM Networking and refreshment break
  • 11:10 AM Hydrogen, a key role to cover our future energy storage needs
    • Contribution of large-scale hydrogen storage to future energy needs underground storage, state of play in Europe:
         • Review of the different technologies
         • Underground potential
         • New build and conversion of existing sites
    • Assessment of storage volume needs by 2040
    Catherine Gras, CEO, Storengy Deutschland GMBH
  • 11:40 AM The Hydrogen Backbone: An infrastructure to get Hydrogen to the markets
    • Connecting Hydrogen production to areas of demand
    • Evaluate existing and new transmission infrastructure
    • Expansion of Hydrogen hubs, ports, and demand centers
    E.E. Lycklama a Nijeholt, Project Director, Gasunie
  • 12:10 PM Networking lunch
Breakout Session: A Look at the Growing Hydrogen Economy in Market Segments
  • 1:20 PM Breakout 1: Hydrogen in transportation (road, shipping and, aviation) and for industry decarbonization
    • Understand the role transport industry will play in the Hydrogen economy
    • Examine the potential for Hydrogen in heavy transportation and mobility
    • Early movers in applying hydrogen to maritime application
    • Benefits of Hydrogen over Sustainable Aviation Fuel
    • Considering industrial decarbonization via Hydrogen for:
         • Oil refining
         • Chemical sector
         • Iron and steel production
         • High-temperature heat
    Alberto Litta Modignani, Vice President, Hydrogen, NextChem
    Ferry M. M Franz, Director Hydrogen Affairs Europe, Toyota Motor Europe
    Cagatay Ölken, Strategy and Sustainability Director, Tupras
    Erwin Penfornis, Group VP H2 Energy World Business Line, Air Liquide
    Margaux Moore, Head of Trafigura’s Energy Transition Research Group, Trafigura
    Panel moderator: Simon Wood, Senior Director Global Hydrogen and Renewable Gases Consulting, S&P Global Commodity Insights

    Breakout 2: Hydrogen’s role in integrating Renewables into the Power market
    • How flexible Hydrogen production can accelerate renewables deployment in Europe
    •  Flexibility offered by Hydrogen as a new component of the energy sector
    • How Hydrogen complements electric power grid and natural gas grid
    • Power generation and electricity storage
    • Importance of large-scale Hydrogen adoption in helping to integrate renewables into the power system
    Qasam Sultan, Commodities Analysis Manager, National Grid
    Mario Perez, Global Hydrogen Pricing Manager, S&P Global Commodity Insights
    Roland Roesch, Deputy Director Innovation and Technology, IRENA
    Panel Moderator: Brian Murphy, Senior Analyst, Hydrogen and Low Carbon Fuels, S&P Global Commodity Insights
  • 2.20 PM Closing Remarks from Chair
  • 2.30 PM End of Conference

Key numbers


Energy Producers




Finance / Investment


Oil / Gas Companies


Solution Providers / Consultancies


SpeakerErwin Penfornis,
Group VP H2 Energy World Business Line, Air Liquide

Erwin Penfornis joined Air Liquide in 2000.

He started in R&D in the field of clean energy developments.

He worked from 2005 to 2010 on the structuring of Air Liquide H2 Energy activities in Europe and the development of early markets.

Between 2010 and 2015, he has been Business Development Director in the Large Industry business, in particular for the supply of hydrogen to Energy and Petrochemical markets (Korea, Middle East).

He returned in the field of Hydrogen Energy since 2015, first in charge of Marketing & Strategy for Air Liquide Group.

Over this period, he has led the creation and development of the Hydrogen Council in 2017, with a few other industry leaders, as well as several structuring consortiums in Europe, California, Korea and Japan.

He then took the responsibility of COO of the Air Liquide H2 Energy World Business Unit.

He is now VP H2 Energy, based in Tokyo, overseeing the development of Air Liquide Hydrogen Energy activities for the Asia-Pacific region.

SpeakerMargaux Moore,
Head of Trafigura’s Energy Transition Research Group, Trafigura

Margaux Moore is the Head of Energy Transition Research Group at Trafigura, one of the largest physical commodities trading groups in the world. In her role, she assesses the challenges and opportunities of the energy transition, focusing on the evolution of decarbonised transport, the integration of renewables and storage in power generation and the adoption of carbon capture and utilisation. This includes studying the potential of hydrogen, with the aim to develop and accelerate the commercial adoption of the molecule across the spectrum of Trafigura’s activities in trading, logistics and retail fuelling.

Margaux also leads the Group’s internal power ventures fund, investing in disruptive technologies and businesses in the energy transition.

She joined Trafigura in 2015 as a graduate having starting her career as a metals operator in Latin America and Singapore. She holds a BSc in International Management from the Warwick Business School.

Founded in 1993, Trafigura is one of the largest physical commodities trading groups in the world. At the heart of global supply, Trafigura connects the world with the vital resources it needs. Through our Oil & Petroleum Products, Metals and Minerals, and Power and Renewables divisions, we deploy infrastructure, skills and a global network to move commodities from where they are plentiful to where they are needed most, forming strong relationships that make supply chains more efficient, secure and sustainable.

Trafigura also owns and operates a number of industrial assets including global multi-metals producer Nyrstar and fuel storage and distribution company Puma Energy; and joint ventures Impala Terminals, a port and logistics provider, and Nala Renewables, a power and renewable energy investment and development platform. With over 1,000 shareholders, Trafigura is owned by its employees and employs over 13,000 people working in 48 countries.

SpeakerKarsten Uhd Plauborg,
Partner, Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners


SpeakerAlun Davies,
Senior Director, S&P Global Commodity Insights

Mr. Davies leads the gas content of the European GPE retainer service, a role that covers market fundamentals, quantitative modeling, and research. He also plays a significant role in the development of the long term energy balance outlooks for Europe. His expertise includes price forecasting, market strategy, fundamentals analysis, and European gas market design and operation. Mr. Davies has authored or co-authored research reports on a variety of topics within the European Energy and Global gas space. These cover a variety of topics including European gas pricing and risk management, gas supply and infrastructure, and gas demand in the context of fuel switching in the power sector.

Prior to joining IHS Markit, Mr. Davies worked for six years at a major UK gas and power utility in a variety of roles, including long-term strategy, power modeling, trading, and trade strategy. He also has R&D experience working for a major global pharmaceutical company. Mr. Davies holds a Masters degree in Chemistry from the University of Oxford.

SpeakerCoralie Laurencin,
Senior Director, Gas, Power and Energy Futures, S&P Global Commodity Insights

Ms. Laurencin specializes in regulation and strategy in European power markets and renewable energy investments. Her work centers on how policy is shaping the energy transition. In particular, she focuses on the European carbon price, the emissions trading scheme (ETS), renewable support frameworks and PPAs, and developing capacity markets.

Before joining IHS Markit, Ms. Laurencin developed onshore wind and biomass projects in the United Kingdom with EFRG. Prior to that, she led the regulatory analysis efforts of boutique investment bank Climate Change Capital, focusing on the ETS in London, and was a part of EDF's commodity market analysis team in Paris. She holds a Master in Management from HEC Paris, France.

Ms. Laurencin speaks French and English.

Headshot Silhouette - Woman_150x150.jpgGulmira Rzayeva,
Senior Visiting Research Fellow, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies


SpeakerOliver Weinmann,
Managing Director, Vattenfall

Oliver Weinmann is Managing Director of Vattenfall Europe Innovation GmbH. The subsidiary of Vattenfall GmbH focuses on business development, mainly related to renewable energies. He studied Process Engineering at the RWTH Aachen, followed by a PhD on Solar Thermal Power Plants at DLR in Cologne. In 1992 he started his career at HEW in Hamburg and changed to Vattenfall in 2003 as Head of Innovation Management. In parallel, between 2004 and 2007, he was Managing Director of Vattenfall Renewables GmbH. In 2010 he was appointed as Managing Director of Vattenfall Europe Innovation GmbH.

SpeakerRoland Roesch,
Deputy Director Innovation and Technology, IRENA

Dr. Roland Roesch is Deputy Director at the Innovation and Technology Center of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). He currently leads IRENA´s work on RE Innovation, Grids-Assessments and the Strategies Teams for Power Sector Transformation and for the Gas Sector Transformation. During his first years of assignment he was the lead to set-up the IRENA Project Navigator platform to support member countries with developing renewable energy projects. He actively leads the development of IRENA´s work in the fields of ocean energy, blue economy and decarbonizing the shipping sector.

Roland became in October 2010 a Professor for Energy Economics at the University of Applied Science in Darmstadt he worked for 15 years in the Oil&Gas and Utilities Industry for Shell and E.ON in his last position as General Manager Power at Shell and for E.ON as Head of Division, Project Leader, Project Executive and Technical Project Developer. Before he joined E.ON he worked as Energy Market Consultant for Lahmeyer International and as researcher for renewable energies. Roland has solid business experience in energy markets, energy economics and energy strategies, renewable integration management, energy project development and project financing.

SpeakerSteinar Eikaas,
Vice President, Low Carbon Solutions, Equinor


SpeakerAlberto Litta Modignani,
Vice President, Hydrogen, NextChem

Nuclear engineer by education, Alberto is a senior executive, with 25 years of international experience in the energy sector.

Passionate about the challenges of the energy transformation, Alberto has spent 4 years as Head of Technology and Design at Engie’s BU Hydrogen in Paris. Since July 2021 he has been appointed VP Hydrogen at NextChem, Maire Tecnimont’s company for Green Chemistry and Energy Transition.

SpeakerDiogo Almeida,
Hydrogen Unit, Head of Business Development, Galp


SpeakerBert van der Toorn,
Senior Investment Officer, European Investment Bank

Bert has joined the Climate and Infrastructure Division of EIB in 2021 to support innovative energy transition scale ups with quasi equity investments. He is a Structured Finance and Energy Sector expert having dealt with this at Shell, EBRD, ABNAMRO and ING. His special interest lies with sustainable hydrogen, for which he was responsible as global lead during his time at ING.

SpeakerAmy Wong,
Managing Director, Head EMEA Energy Research, Credit Suisse


SpeakerPeter van Ees,
Business Development & Coverage Banker - Hydrogen & Energy Transition, Abn Amro

Peter brings together customers and prospects of the bank, to speed up hydrogen developments. Peter is a committed point-of-contact for EU-agencies and national governments.

SpeakerFerry M. M Franz,
Director Hydrogen Affairs Europe, Toyota Motor Europe


SpeakerBruno Brunetti,
Head of Low Carbon Electricity Analytics, S&P Global Commodity Insights


SpeakerNuno Lopes Filipe,
Business Development Director, Fusion Fuel

Nuno Lopes Filipe is a Business Development Director with 10 years of experience in the Energy business, a background of electrical and computer engineering and experience in analytical, technical and operational work – including the coordination of field teams. Working for Fusion Fuel, a disruptive company that is unlocking the Hydrogen revolution, is responsible for supporting and supervising the commercial activities, project development and funding for the different geographies where Fusion Fuel has its footprint, namely Portugal, Spain, Italy, Morocco, Australia and USA.

Previously, Nuno was leading an innovation team at EDP NEW R&D – Centre for New Energy Technologies - with focus on the topics: Grid Integration, Energy Markets, Storage, Hydrogen and Decarbonisation of Big Hubs & Industry. Management of EU-funded projects, development of requirements, use cases and business models, leading demonstration of solutions while ensuring timely execution. Other functions on the department: build consortia to apply for calls from the EC, negotiate budgets and conditions of the consortium agreement and financial reporting. Was managing a team of 10 project managers with a portfolio of 7 European projects and deeply involved on the Hydrogen development at EDP. Nuno has an MsC in electrical engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico (2011) and an MBA from the Lisbon MBA program, a joint venture between Nova and Católica Universities.
Headshot Silhouette - Man_150x150.jpgPierre-Etienne Franc,
Co Founder and President/CEO, FiveT Hydrogen/Hy24

Pierre-Etienne Franc is considered as one of the leading architects of the hydrogen economy. He was the founder of the Hydrogen Council, which brings together the world’s top energy, transportation and infrastructure multinationals active in the sector. After leading Hydrogen activities for Air Liquide, Franc co-founded the FiveT Hydrogen investment platform in 2021, and currently serves as the Chief Executive of Hy24, a joint venture managing the world’s first clean hydrogen infrastructure fund.

Since the beginning of his career, Franc has built a development approach driven by a belief in the power of alliances, joint ventures, and co-development. It has helped to open new businesses (co-generation), new territories (Russia, China, Brazil in the steel markets), new markets (hydrogen energy, IT), and new technologies (electrolysis, hydrogen tanks, fuel cells in forklifts). In 1994, he wrote his first book, with Christopher Hogg focusing on the importance of customer management, which was published by Dunod. On the occasion of the COP21 in 2015, Franc published a book that detailed his vision for the hydrogen economy, with a preface by Pascal Lamy. His 2017 “Entreprise et bien commun” is a reflection on the role of business in improving society, with a preface by Gaël Giraud. Franc graduated in 1993 from France’s HEC business school, where he was awarded the HEC Foundation Prize and the second prize of the Ernst & Young Foundation for his final thesis on industrial joint ventures.
SpeakerCatherine Gras,
CEO, Storengy Deutschland GMBH

Catherine Gras has been Storengy UK and Germany CEO since 1 October 2018. Storengy is a fully owned subsidiary of ENGIE.

Catherine Gras began her career in the ENGIE Group in 2001 with various roles in Mergers & Acquisitions and then later as CFO of the gas supply division. This was followed by management positions in energy management and trading. Since 2016, she had been Managing Director of Storengy UK Ltd, for which she continues to act as Chairman of the Board. In October 2018 she joined Storengy Deutschland GmbH as the Managing Director.

Catherine Gras holds a Master's degree from the French ESSEC Business School. Before joining the ENGIE Group, she had worked for a private equity fund and the auditing company KPMG.

Speaker Çağatay Ölken,
Strategy and Sustainability Director,Tupras

After receiving BsC in Mathematics and BA in Finance, Çağatay spent 15+ years in various positions in leading international banks / PE-Pension funds responsible from project financing, investment banking, and strategic planning, most recently as Strategy and Sustainability Director at Tupras. He is responsible from long term strategic transition and business development in new investment areas including but not limited to green hydrogen and biofuels. Sustainability and carbon neutrality remains the key areas of focus during this transition period.

Speaker Hyung-Ja de Zeeuw,
Senior Energy Transition Specialist Executive Director,Rabobank

Hyung works for the RaboResearch Energy Transition team where she keeps track of the latest developments in the field of clean hydrogen and stationary energy storage. With her research she supports the Banking4Energy strategy which is part of Rabobank’s mission: “Growing a better world together”. Hyung has over 20 years of experience in the financial sector and holds a Master’s Degree in International Economics and International Geography from Utrecht University.

Speaker Melanie Bruneau,
Partner,K&L Gates


Speaker Simon Wood,
Senior Director Global Hydrogen and Renewable Gases Consulting, S&P Global Commodity Insights

Simon Wood is a Senior Director with the Energy Transition and Clean Technology Consulting team at S&P Global Commodity Insights. Simon has been leading hydrogen and renewable gases consulting projects, focusing on commercial monetisation opportunities and the associated value chains. Mr. Wood has applied more almost 20 years’ energy experience to the emerging hydrogen market. This experience is across the full gas and power value chain, including downstream pricing and portfolio management, midstream origination, and upstream investment appraisal. Using the synergies of natural gas and hydrogen as a feedstock, fuel and energy carrier Simon has been able to scope, evaluate and value potential hydrogen value chains from a producer and end-user perspective, including pricing points, regulatory environment and commercial frameworks.
Simon has worked on a diverse range of energy value chain activities including price reviews, arbitrations, commercial negotiations, M&A activity, public affairs, and consultancy. Geographically, his focus has been across Europe (including the UK and Norwegian continental shelves), Russia, Middle East and North Africa. Simon’s previous roles include heading European gas market analysis at S&P Global Platts and roles as senior economist and senior European market analyst at ConocoPhillips in Aberdeen and London.

Speaker Tariq A. Fedda,
Partner, K&L Gates

Tariq Fedda is a partner in our energy, infrastructure and resources practice area. He advises in relation to structuring, development, documentation and financing of international infrastructure projects. Tariq has particular experience in the LNG, hydrogen, and power industries.
Tariq has advised developers, contractors, lenders, and investors in the drafting and negotiation of both project and finance documentation, including charter parties, terminal use agreements, commodity and asset sale and purchase agreements, power purchase agreements, concession agreements, joint ventures, loan agreements, and security agreements under both New York and English law. Tariq regularly advises on cross-border transactions involving multiple jurisdictions.

Speaker Philippe Peccard,
VP, Clean Energy, Linde

Philippe Peccard is Vice President of Clean Energy at Linde. Prior to this role, he served as Managing Director Linde Engineering MENA and Head of Cluster Linde Gas Middle East & Turkey.
Mr. Peccard joined Linde in 2002 and held several positions in business development and management in the Linde Gas and Engineering divisions in Munich, Shanghai and Abu Dhabi.
Prior to joining Linde, Mr. Peccard worked for Shell, in the U.K. as well as for Air Liquide, in France. He holds a master’s degree in physics and a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from the University of Nancy in France.

Speaker Andre Pina,
Associated Director for H2 Strategy and Origination, EDP Renewables

André is currently the Associated Director for H2 strategy and origination at EDP, supporting the definition of key markets, geographies and opportunities. Previously he was at the Energy Planning Department of EDP, focusing on the long-term evolution of energy systems, implications of energy policies and assessment of innovative technologies such as new storage systems and hydrogen. He has a M.Sc. in Physics Engineering and a Ph.D. in Sustainable Energy Systems from Instituto Superior Técnico.

Speaker Eric Schraud,
CEO and President, GenHydro

Eric has a background in business strategy and information technology, with specializations in strategic thinking and management for competitive advantage, as well as business and financial modeling. Eric worked on hydrogen technology development with a focus on reactant based methods for over a decade before founding GenHydro.

Speaker Filippo Bartoloni,
Head of Project Development of Hydrogen Business Unit, Enel Green Power

Filippo Bartoloni is the head of Green Hydrogen Project Development at Enel Green Power where he is accelerating the entry of the company into the new sustainable hydrogen business.

Since joining Enel in 2016, he has held several roles including in the renewable and thermal generation divisions and the strategy unit.

Prior to joining the company, he worked in the oil and gas industry where he managed several oil asset acquisitions.

He holds a master's degree in energy engineering from the University of Rome La Sapienza and a corporate MBA from the Enrico Mattei School.

Speaker Paul Henderson,
Head of Hydrogen Production and Strategy, BEIS

As Head of Hydrogen Production Strategy at the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), Paul is responsible for setting the policy environment to ensure new low carbon production routes and technologies can provide the growth and carbon reduction benefits needed for our net zero commitments.

This approach is focused on encouraging a range of low carbon production routes in support of the UK’s ambition to have up to 10GW of production capacity by 2030. With this increased ambition comes an opportunity for the UK to become a net exporter of low carbon hydrogen this decade, and the UK intends to play an active role in the global hydrogen marketplace.

Paul has been working in the area of sustainability and decarbonisation for over 20 years, across local, regional and national government, as well as the private sector. He began his career in local transport policy and strategy, before moving on to designing and leading EU projects that encouraged sustainable mobility. He has worked on a range of policy areas at BEIS including renewable heat, industrial decarbonisation, and the bioeconomy.

Speaker Peter Mackey,
VP Strategy and Policy Support, Hydrogen Council

Peter Mackey joined the Air Liquide Group in 2017 as VP Investors Strategic Intelligence, in which role he co-chaired the Group’s Energy Transition Task Force. Initially based in Frankfurt, in late 2020 he relocated to Paris to take up his current role as VP Strategy & Policy Support for Air Liquide’s Hydrogen Energy world business line.

Prior to joining Air Liquide, Peter spent over two decades working as a highly ranked Equity Analyst covering the chemical sector. He worked in London for several institutions, including Exane BNP Paribas, Morgan Stanley, Dresdner Kleinwort Benson and Commerzbank.

Peter is a Mathematics & Economics graduate of the London School of Economics.

Speaker Margaux Moore,
Head of Trafigura’s Energy Transition Research Group, Trafigura

Margaux Moore is the Head of Energy Transition Research Group at Trafigura, one of the largest physical commodities trading groups in the world. In her role, she assesses the challenges and opportunities of the energy transition, focusing on the evolution of decarbonised transport, the integration of renewables and storage in power generation and the adoption of carbon capture and utilisation. This includes studying the potential of hydrogen, with the aim to develop and accelerate the commercial adoption of the molecule across the spectrum of Trafigura’s activities in trading, logistics and retail fuelling.

Margaux also leads the Group’s internal power ventures fund, investing in disruptive technologies and businesses in the energy transition.

She joined Trafigura in 2015 as a graduate having starting her career as a metals operator in Latin America and Singapore. She holds a BSc in International Management from the Warwick Business School.

Founded in 1993, Trafigura is one of the largest physical commodities trading groups in the world. At the heart of global supply, Trafigura connects the world with the vital resources it needs. Through our Oil & Petroleum Products, Metals and Minerals, and Power and Renewables divisions, we deploy infrastructure, skills and a global network to move commodities from where they are plentiful to where they are needed most, forming strong relationships that make supply chains more efficient, secure and sustainable.

Trafigura also owns and operates a number of industrial assets including a majority share of global multi-metals producer Nyrstar and fuel storage and distribution company Puma Energy; and joint ventures Impala Terminals, a port and logistics provider, and Nala Renewables, a power and renewable energy investment and development platform. With over 1,000 shareholders, Trafigura is owned by its employees and employs over 13,000 people working in 48 countries.

Speaker Karsten Uhd Plauborg,
Partner, Co-Head Energy Transition Fund, Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners

Karsten Uhd Plauborg, Partner is co-heading the Energy Transition Fund. Mr. Plauborg is leading marketing and contracting of products across the portfolio, leveraging extensive network in LNG and natural gas. Mr. Plauborg is driving project origination, identifying the most attractive opportunities for ETF I. Mr. Plauborg joined CIP with a focus to establish power-to-gas as a new business area within the company. Prior to joining CIP he held various management positions at Ørsted (a leading utility within offshore wind). Among others he was the Director of Global LNG, building a global trading business with representation in London, Amsterdam and Copenhagen. Prior positions at Ørsted include Head of Long Term Gas Contracts and Head of Business Development (buying and selling energy companies and energy assets). He holds a B.Sc. in chemistry, a M.Sc. in Natural Resource Economics and an MBA.

Speaker Brian Murphy,
Senior Analyst, Hydrogen and Low Carbon Fuels, S&P Global Commodity Insights

Brian Murphy is a Senior Analyst for Hydrogen and Low Carbon Fuels at S&P Global Commodity Insights, based in Washington, DC. Brian focuses on delivering analytics and pricing products that will aid clients’ understanding of the technologies, policies, and market dynamics shaping the role of low-carbon hydrogen and hydrogen derivatives in the energy transition.

Prior to joining S&P Global, Brian was a Principal Engineer at Strategic Analysis, Inc. studying emerging low-carbon technology costs for the US Department of Energy. Brian holds a PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of Delaware and a BS in Chemical Engineering from the University of Virginia.

Speaker Mario Perez,
Global Hydrogen Pricing Manager, S&P Global Commodity Insights

Mario Pérez is a senior specialist at S&P Global Platts covering European power and gas, providing pricing, news and market analysis. Prior to joining Platts, he worked in environmental commodities in the Netherlands. Mario holds a bachelor's degree in economics and finance from Coventry University.

Speaker James Burgess,
Energy Transition Reporter, S&P Global Commodity Insights

James Burgess is a journalist with over 10 years’ experience covering business, commodities, energy and politics. Prior to joining S&P Global Platts, he worked as a freelance journalist and was previously European oil products editor at Argus Media.

Speaker Olivier Mussat,
Chief Executive Officer, ATOME Energy

Olivier BA, MS, has joined ATOME from being the Chief Investment Officer of Global Energy at the IFC, part of the World Bank Group.

After starting his career as a field engineer in energy, he is a recognised expert in funding and managing infrastructure assets for Oil & Gas, Power & Renewables, leading over $500M of equity investments in early stage companies and over $30bn of corporate and structured debt finance transactions

Speaker Sebastian Vogel,
Head of Hydrogen Strategy, RWE

Dr. Sebastian Vogel is the Head of Hydrogen Strategy at RWE Generation SE since early 2021, when the RWE group became the first major utility to establish a dedicated hydrogen division. He is responsible for developing and implementing the hydrogen strategy for RWE as well as for establishing strategic partnerships along the entire hydrogen value chain and across various customer industries.

He joined RWE from the corporate development team of thyssenkrupp AG where he was responsible for strategy development and portfolio management of their global steel, materials trading and heavy industry business units. He started his professional career in international strategy consulting. Sebastian Vogel holds a degree in Industrial Engineering as well as a doctorate in Production and Supply Chain Management from Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany.

Speaker Qasam Sultan,
Commodities Analysis Manager, National Grid

Qasam Sultan leads the market analysis team within National Grid Plc’s Group Strategy function, with a particular focus on power generation fuels. His role includes the development of long term price forecasts and energy transition scenarios, along with strategic analysis and supporting business development activities. Prior to joining National Grid in 2017, Qasam held a number of analytical and commercial roles at E.ON/Uniper since 2007, where he specialised in global commodity markets.

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Download the brochureDemonstrate your strengths, raise your company profile, and maximize your ROI as we bring key industry players and decision-makers to you. At the S&P Global Hydrogen Markets Europe Conference, each sponsor has the opportunity to showcase their products and services and distinguish themselves from the competition. We offer a full range of opportunities and packages, and can even tailor solutions to suit your needs.

Download our EMEA event portfolio brochure to learn more about our events and who attends.

Contact us to start a conversation about your goals and how you can lead the pack as an event sponsor: Martin Falkenberg, Commercial Partnerships Manager, at


Standard Rate*
Register by September 20,2022

Register 2 at any given rate and get a 3rd pass free

* Rates are in USD and do not include Netherlands VAT (21%). EMEA Region event terms and conditions apply

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The Hydrogen Markets Europe Conference will be held on September 20-21, 2022 at the Novotel Amsterdam City in the Netherlands.

Your conference registration does not include accommodation.
Hotel Details:
Novotel Amsterdam City
Europaboulevard 10
1083 AD Amsterdam
Tel: +31 20 721 9179
Room Rates:
Double Room (single occupancy) – €169

Bedroom rates are quoted in Euros (EUR) and include VAT on accommodation. These rates are including breakfast but excluding 7% city tax and excluding € 3 cultural tax per person per night.

The cancellation policy for the individual guests are as followed:
- You can cancel your reservation free of charge until 3 days prior to arrival.
- Any cancellations within 3 days prior to arrival we will charge 100% of the expected costs.
   o This includes no shows, late arrivals and changes made during your stay.

Breakfast is served from 06:00-10:00 hours during the weekdays and from 06:00-11:00 hours in the weekend. Breakfast is served on an individual base, in our hotel restaurant.

Check in time is from 15:00. All rooms are available until noon on the day of departure.

**Please note: S&P Global Commodity Insights is not associated with any third-party reservation agents. Making any reservations through a third party may put your credit at risk of a compromise. To make your reservation, please contact the hotel directly.

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How do I register?

We offer three easy ways to register: online, by phone, and by email.

Phone: +44 (0)20 7176 6111

I am no longer able attend. May I send someone else in my place?

If you’re not able to attend, we’re happy to transfer your registration to a member of your organization at no cost, up to 2 business days in advance of the event. Requests must be received in writing via email to on or before Thursday, September 15, 2022, and are subject to approval.

What if I need to cancel my registration?

If you're not able to attend or send a colleague in your place, we accept cancellations and provide refunds if received in writing to at least 30 days before the event. In the event of non-attendance, the full invoice fee will be payable.

Are there sponsorship opportunities?

Yes, we offer a variety of standard and tailor-made sponsorship opportunities to fit your marketing and business-to-business needs—and your budget. Please reach out directly to the Business Development Manager for this event:

Martin Falkenberg

Are press passes available?

Yes, we allow accredited media writing on behalf of major industry publications to cover the event at no charge. Please reach out to the contact below for press pass approval.

Alex Baird

What are the event registration and attendance terms and conditions?